BluePort Legal

Publisher's information

Publisher’s information:


Registered office and address of the partnership

BluePort Legal

Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB

Poststraße 36

20354 Hamburg


Publisher of this website


BluePort Legal

Partnerschaft von Rechtsanwälten mbB

Register court: Local Court (Amtsgericht, “AG”) Hamburg

Register number: PR 1362

Tax no.: 2248/606/03018

Partners: Attorney Jörg von Appen, Attorney Dr. Andreas Jens, Attorney Nora Kessler, Attorney Dr. André Soldner




Tel.: +49 40 419 120 00

Telefax: +49 40 419 120 029


You will find the addresses and contact details of our offices under the heading Contact.


Concept, design, realization and photographs


E.H.S. Edition Hamburger Satz Druck GmbH

Industriestraße 10

22869 Schenefeld


Admission to the bar and membership in the bar association


All lawyers are admitted to the bar in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the bar association responsible for their respective offices:

Frankfurt am Main Bar Association
Bockenheimer Anlage 36
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Telephone: 069 – 17 00 98 – 01

Hanseatic Bar Association Hamburg
Bleichenbrücke 9
20354 Hamburg
Telephone: 040 – 35 74 41 – 0
Fax: 040 – 35 74 41 – 41


Applicable professional codes


The applicable provisions in professional law for attorneys are available at under the heading “Berufsrecht” (professional law). These laws include:

BRAO (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung – German Attorneys’ Code)

BORA (Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte – Professional Code for Attorneys)

RVG (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz – Law on Compensation of Attorneys)

CCBE (Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft – Professional Rules for Attorneys in the European Community)

Law Implementing the Directives of the European Community pertaining to the professional law regulating the legal profession

Professional liability insurance

With regard to the services rendered by BluePort Legal, there is a professional insurance policy with Allianz Versicherungs-AG in 10900 Berlin. The physical territory covered by the insurance involves activities in Germany and foreign countries in Europe and accordingly satisfies at least the requirements in § 51 German Attorneys’ Code (BRAO).

In the case of disputes between attorneys and their clients, the possibility exists upon request to have out-of-court mediation before the regional bar association in Hamburg or at the mediation office for the legal profession at the Federal Bar Association (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer). You can contact this mediation office through the homepage of the Federal Bar Association (, email:


Online dispute resolution (Art. 14 para. 1 ODR Regulation): The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution at




The content of this website does not constitute any legal advice or other advice and serves instead exclusively to provide information about BluePort Legal. BluePort Legal assumes no warranty for the accuracy and completeness of the content on this website and is not liable for damages or losses resulting as a consequence of relying on the content of this website or lack of access or delayed access, except as mandated by law. This also applies for the content of websites of third parties which are directly or indirectly linked to this website and over which BluePort Legal has no influence.




The partnership BluePort Legal is the owner of this website as well as the exclusive holder of the copyrights to the content of this website. All rights to the name BluePort Legal as well as to all images, logos and/or other representations contained on this website are held exclusively by BluePort Legal. Downloading, temporary storage or printing out individual pages from this website is permissible exclusively for use in your business. The reference to our ownership and copyright must be included without any change. Every other form of reproduction, transmission, publication or distribution of the content contained on this website (e.g. by printing, downloading, storage), regardless of the form and whether complete or in part, unchanged or modified, requires the prior written approval by BluePort Legal. Please, address requests to



Poststraße 36
20354 Hamburg
T +49 40 419 120 00
Goethestraße 13
60313 Frankfurt am Main
T +49 40 419 120 00